
21 December 2010

Merry Christmas! 2010

Merry Christmas! and Good Cheers! to you all.

Since we are now into the Christmas season, we should be thankful for both the trials and blessings of the year. Enjoy the holiday periods and rest as best you can, between Christmas and the New Year because 2011 is going to be an exciting one.

Christmas is a time when we remember the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and the reason he was born into the world. Christmas is also a time when we focus and fellowship more with our family and friends, and we pray that you have a good, fun-filled and safe celebration.

So have a Merry Christmas and a Joyful New Year!

Here is our prayer for you for this Christmas season and for the New Year. May you have more and more of God's special favour and wonderful peace.

Margaret + Simon

It's such a blessing just to know
that since your life began,
The Lord's been guiding
all your steps
according to His plan -
And be assured that,
day by day,
He'll give you all you need
to prosper and be happy
as His plans
for you succeed.

Let your faith and your joy
and your trust in the Lord
touch your heart and your life
day by day,
Remember His promise
to be there beside you
and guide you
each step of the way....

with hope in your soul,
for His grace
has made everything new,
And know that you're kept
in the warmest of prayer
for His blessings
to shine down on you

Words of Emily Matthews

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