
15 February 2011

Seasons of Life - Embracing Change

Romans 8:37 (NIV)
No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
In life, change is inevitable. Change happens all around us everyday. Some we notice immediately, others we notice with time; fashion change, technologies change, cities and places change, seasons change and people change. Yet, change is something that not many of us would willingly embrace without some resistance; the cosmetic and fitness industry are examples of our attempts to resist aging.

We are built to want to hold on to things that we like or are familiar with, yet at the same time we are willing to embrace change when something new and better comes along. However it should be recognized that not all changes are necessarily for the better. The debate is still out with regards to nuclear energy, for example.

For better or for worst, change is inevitable and I have recently come to learnt a new perspective about change.

Another way of looking at "change" in our lives is to look at them as "Seasons of Life" we all go through, that is from winter to spring to summer to autumn ....and then the cycle repeats itself, but never always the same for each season.

When God created us in his image, he gave us also the freedom of choice. That freedom empower us to choose our path in life and often the choices we make brings about changes in our lives, that is we embrace change ....or we choose to stay as we are, but I would not necessarily say that, that in itself is a bad thing. It would very much depend on what that change is and when the change is best to happen, hence, requiring us to discern God's will on the matter.

But as Christian, change is an integral part of our walk with God if we are to ever grow from glory to glory and from faith to (greater) faith. We are His church, and in 1 Peter 2:9 we are " ...a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

Though we have the freedom of choice, as His church and as a Christian, we should recognize God's sovereignty in our lives. That is also to say that God will use His people to spread/declare His message and His Name to the nations, whether we are willing agents or not. Whether we volunteer to do His work or not, has never been the deciding factor in God's work to make known His message and His name to the nations. It’s right there in the Bible, but I never did see it in that light, till now.

While Abram (later named Abraham) may be a willing participant in God's redemptive plan, Joseph, Daniel and Esther were not volunteers. Joseph was sold by his brothers to Ishmaelite traders (Genesis 37:28). Daniel (Daniel 1:1-6) and Esther (Esther 2:5-8) are exiles from Jerusalem to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar.  They did not choose the change in their lives. Change came upon them, but they in time embrace the change or seasons of life and played a significant role in God's redemptive plan.

You may say that I am not Abraham, Joseph, Daniel or Esther. Then have you heard of the Israelite slave girl who announced God's healing power to Naaman, the leprous commander of the Syrian army (2 Kings 5). She made known God's Name to Naaman (2 King 5:17) and to the Syrian king and people when he returned.

Basically I am saying, embrace change. However should change happen upon you, embrace the change and use that opportunity to declare God's work in you and allow Him to work through you for His glory. It would not be easy, life never is nor will it be so, but God always enable and empower. Realize that you are an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of your testimony (Revelation 12:11 NIV). You are more than conquerors through Him who loves us (Roman 8:37 NIV). With God, you can only move forward/ahead.

Again I say, as a Christian, change is an integral part of our walk with God if we are ever to grow from glory to glory and from faith to faith.

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