
19 March 2020

Social Distancing - How does it looks like

With COVID-19 going pandemic, as announced by the World Health Organisation (WHO), it means the virus has spread to many countries and spreads easily from person to person.

The outbreak in Australia was declared a health emergency.  One of several steps outlined by the government to slow the Coronavirus spread, is to practise social distancing.

However it's probably better named as 'spacial distancing' as it is really about keeping a distance between two person and at the time of this writing, it is 1.5 metres apart.  This distance is maintained to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus where people gather in work and public spaces.

Not sure how practical this requirement would be in the home.

Airports, public transport, medical facilities, emergency services, aged care, prisons, courts, parliaments, supermarkets, offices, schools, universities and construction sites are excluded.

When this measure was introduced, this is how it looks like at a shopping centre.

For information on Coronavirus COVID-19 current situation click here.

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